Sultan ul Faqr
This website reveals the grandeur of seven Sultan ul Faqr souls whom Sultan ul Faqr fifth Sultan Bahoo has mentioned in his treatise Risala Roohi Sharif. It is the Divine revelation sent to Sultan Bahoo, the eminent Saint known worldwide. This website presents short biography of Sultan ul Faqr souls and describes their services to benefit the Muslims with Mohammadan Faqr. Hereby, we also explain splendour of these souls so that Muslims may find closeness to Allah following their path, Faqr. Faqr is the true heritage of Prophet Mohammad and the soul of Islam. It is the path that leads to presence of Mohammadan Assembly and consequently to the Divine closeness and vision.
Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen Sultan Mohammad Najib-ur-Rehman, the 31st Shaikh of Sarwari Qadri order has established Tehreek Dawat-e-Faqr to spread the message of Faqr. This Tehreek invites Muslims towards seeking closeness of Allah and strengthening their spiritual relationship with Allah. That is possible only after getting sanctity of innerself through attention and company of perfect spiritual guide (Murshid Kamil Akmal).
In short, our main aim is the revival of strong spiritual relationship of Muslims with Allah. Lack of this connection has resulted in present worst condition of Muslims all over the world. We aim at diverting the attention of Muslims from hollow superficial physical prayers towards the purity of soul. Thus, creating strong bond between Allah and His slave. As a result, a common Muslim elevates to a Momin (true believer) and becomes beloved of Allah and Holy Prophet.
Faqr is in fact the Divine light (Nur) which perfectly manifested in the human form of Prophet Mohammad. After physical life of the Holy Prophet, the seven chosen souls manifest Divine light in material world in human form. Hence, they carry on the heritage of Faqr of the Holy Prophet. Therefore, their title is Sultan ul Faqr (Sultan of Faqr). These souls absorb the Divine light with such intensity and perfection that they attain Divine Oneness (Tawhid). Even the material bodies of these pure souls in which they appear in the world are absolute light. As, their beginning, their annihilation and their immortality is with Allah. Above all, they are ever drowned in the fathomless ocean of Divine beauty (jamal) and engrossed in Allah’s vision (deedar).
This website includes the life histories of the following six Sultan ul Faqr souls:
- Hazrat Fatima tuz Zahra
- Hazrat Hassan al Basra
- Ghaus e Azam Hazrat Shaikh Abdul Qadir Jillani
- Shaikh Sayyid Abdul Razzaq Jilani
- Sultan ul Arifeen Sultan Bahoo
- Sultan Mohammad Asghar Ali
Although there are seven Sultan ul Faqr souls manifested directly from the Mohammadan light. But one soul has to manifest in this world. That one soul is the last soul and after manifesting when the soul will leave the world, its end will start.
The Perfect Spiritual Guide
Founder of Tehreek Dawat e Faqr
The perfect spiritual guide Sultan ul Ashiqeen Sultan Mohammad Najib ur Rehman is the 31st sultan of Sarwari Qadri Silsila. Also, he is the heir of treasure of Faqr and custodian of Divine Trust in the contemporary era. Prophet Mohammad has ultimate authority upon the treasure of Faqr. In the first place, he passed this treasure to Ali ibn Abi Talib, the gateway to Faqr. Then Ali ibn Abi Talib transferred it to Hasan of Basra for the beneficence of Muslim umma. This order then continued and the Trust reached Sultan ul Faqr fifth Sultan Bahoo from al-Ghawth al-Azam Shaikh Abdul Qadir Jillani. Finally, at 31st stage, Sultan ul Faqr sixth Sultan Mohammad Asghar Ali has entrusted it to Sultan ul Ashiqeen Sultan Mohammad Najib ur Rehman.
He adorned the throne of 31st Shaikh of Sarwari Qadri order in 2003 after permission from the Holy Prophet. Hence, continued to spread the message of Faqr after the death of his Murshid Sultan ul Faqr sixth Sultan Mohammad Asghar Ali. Sultan Mohammad Najib ur Rehman officially started granting Ism-e-Allah Zaat and Sultan ul Azkar and accepting oath of allegiance on 14th of August, 2005. Thereafter, he established Tehreek Dawat-e-Faqr to spread the teachings of Faqr and invite Muslims towards purity of soul. The organization particularly aims at the spiritual elevation of Muslims so as to improve their life in both worlds.
Sultan ul Ashiqeen has made great efforts and taken revolutionary steps to spread the wealth of Faqr among Muslims. Earlier, the spiritual guides used to grant invocation (zikr) of Ism-e-Allah Zaat in four stages; AllaHoo اَللّٰہُ, Lillah (لِلّٰہ), LaHoo (لَہُ) and Hoo (ھُو). The disciple would get the king of invocations, Sultan-ul-Azkar Hoo (ھُو) after passing all the basic stages. It was a long process and required a lot of time and hard work. However, Allah has blessed Sultan Mohammad Najib-ur-Rehman with great spiritual powers. Therefore, he gives his disciples the king of invocations Hoo on the very first day of allegiance. He never puts his disciples in hard mystic exercises and purifies them inwardly just by his powerful spiritual sight.
Furthermore, he gives them printed or pure gold Ism-e-Allah Zaat for contemplation (tasawur). The invocation of Hoo and contemplation of Ism-e-Allah Zaat elevate the seekers to closeness of Allah most quickly. Thereby, the true seekers of Allah attain vision of Allah and presence in the Mohammadan Assembly. Afterwards, Sultan ul Ashiqeen grants them contemplation of Ism-e-Mohammad for further spiritual elevation. This is being done for the first time in history of Faqr and is just in accordance with the teachings of earlier Saint.
Shaikh-e-Akbar Allama Ibn-e-Arabi says;
- Hoo is the extreme and most elevated invocation of the Mystics (Arifeen).(Al-Futuhat Al-Makkiyya).
Sultan Bahoo says;
- The invocation of Hoo is the extreme stage invocation (zikr)of invokers. (Nur-ul-Huda)
Similarly, Sultan Bahoo says about the effects of contemplation of Ism-e-Mohammad, the sacred name of Mohammad:
- Contemplation of Ism-e-Mohammadreveals the reality of Divine knowledge. (Kaleed-e-Jannat)
When a devotee contemplates Ism-e-Mohammad, no doubt, the Holy Prophet and his Companions come to him spiritually. The Holy Prophet says to him “Hold my hands”. The very moment he holds the hands of Holy Prophet, his soul is enlightened with the gnosis of Allah. (Kaleed-e-Jannat)
Who are the Sultan ul Faqr souls?
Faqr is in fact the Divine light (Nur) which perfectly manifested in the human form of Prophet Mohammad. After physical life of the Holy Prophet, the seven chosen souls manifest Divine light in material world in human form. Hence, they carry on the heritage of Faqr of the Holy Prophet. Therefore, their title is Sultan ul Faqr (Sultan of Faqr). These souls absorb the Divine light with such intensity and perfection that they attain Divine Oneness (Tawhid). Even the material bodies of these pure souls in which they appear in the world are absolute light. As, their beginning, their annihilation and their immortality is with Allah. Above all, they are ever drowned in the fathomless ocean of Divine beauty (jamal) and engrossed in Allah’s vision (deedar).
This website includes the life histories of the following six Sultan ul Faqr souls:
- Hazrat Fatima tuz Zahra
- Hazrat Hassan al Basra
- Ghaus e Azam Hazrat Shaikh Abdul Qadir Jillani
- Shaikh Sayyid Abdul Razzaq Jilani
- Sultan ul Arifeen Sultan Bahoo
- Sultan Mohammad Asghar Ali
Although there are seven Sultan ul Faqr souls manifested directly from the Mohammadan light. But one soul has to manifest in this world. That one soul is the last soul and after manifesting when the soul will leave the world, its end will start.
What were the revolutionary steps taken by Sultan ul Ashiqeen?
Sultan ul Ashiqeen has made great efforts and taken revolutionary steps to spread the wealth of Faqr among Muslims. Earlier, the spiritual guides used to grant invocation (zikr) of Ism-e-Allah Zaat in four stages; AllaHoo اَللّٰہُ, Lillah (لِلّٰہ ), LaHoo (لَہُ) and Hoo (ھُو). The disciple would get the king of invocations, Sultan-ul-Azkar Hoo (ھُو) after passing all the basic stages. It was a long process and required a lot of time and hard work. However, Allah has blessed Sultan Mohammad Najib-ur-Rehman with great spiritual powers. Therefore, he gives his disciples the king of invocations Hoo on the very first day of allegiance. He never puts his disciples in hard mystic exercises and purifies them inwardly just by his powerful spiritual sight.
Furthermore, he gives them printed or pure gold Ism-e-Allah Zaat for contemplation (tasawur). The invocation of Hoo and contemplation of Ism-e-Allah Zaat elevate the seekers to closeness of Allah most quickly. Thereby, the true seekers of Allah attain vision of Allah and presence in the Mohammadan Assembly. Afterwards, Sultan ul Ashiqeen grants them contemplation of Ism-e-Mohammad for further spiritual elevation. This is being done for the first time in history of Faqr and is just in accordance with the teachings of earlier Saint.
Sultan Mohammad Nasir Hameed Sab
Can you please send me hazrat sahab whatsapp i can personally ask some question.