Spiritual Demotion | Inclination Towards Worldly Lusts

Spiritual Demotion
Spiritual Demotion Spiritual Demotion in the path of Faqr and Sufism means to retreat from the perfect spiritual guide and towards worldliness. Allah says: O believers! Obey Allah and obey the Messenger (blessings and peace be upon him) and those who are Ulil Amr (اولی الامر) amongst you. (4:59) Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen says: Saints derive Ulil Amr ... Read more

Concentration in Sufism | The Key to Secrets of the Inward and Outward

Concentration in Sufism
Concentration in Sufism Concentration and prudence are Arabic words whose linguistic meanings are to think and reflect.  Actually, reflection is that cognitive power and light in man that can grant observation of the esoteric aspect of anything physical and the hidden of anything visible. This process is concentration in Sufism. The Arabic word for concentration ... Read more
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